ON THE AGENDA | It’s budget time


The budget will be top of discussion during a special council meeting held tomorrow, 30 June at 10.00am at the Council Chambers, to adopt Council’s 2020/2021 Budget.

Discussions will also include differential general rates, utility charges and associated rating matters, and Council’s estimated financial position.

The Special Budget Meeting will be followed by an Ordinary Council Meeting at 11:00am.

The ordinary meeting has a jam packed agenda including; extra funding for the Port Short Film Festival, a request for views on Daintree National Park tenure actions, relinquishment of joint trusteeship between Douglas Shire Council and Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation in regards to the blue pools, new Council agreements with Douglas Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Port Douglas Daintree, plus more.

In accordance with Local Government regulation, both meetings will be closed to the public because of health and safety reasons associated with the public health emergency involving COVID-19.

However, residents can tune in via the live stream on Council’s Facebook page and an audio of the meeting will be available on the Council website at the time the minutes are made available.


Special Meeting
Tuesday 30 June, 10am Council Chambers

1. Adoption of differential general rates for financial year 2020- 2021
2. Mowbray Valley rural fire brigade - special charge 2020-2021
3. Daintree rural fire brigade - special charge 2020-2021
4. Thornton peak rural fire brigade - special charge 2020-2021
5. Wonga rural fire brigade - special charge 2020-2021
6. Bloomfield river rural fire brigade - special charge 2020-2021
7. Refuse - special charge 2020-2021
8. Utility charges and associated rating matters 2020-2021
9. Statement of estimated financial position 2019-2020
10. Annual budget 2020-2021 

Ordinary Council Meeting
Tuesday 30 June, 11am Council Chambers

1. Request for Minor Change to Development Approvals – Whyanbeel Road
2. Request for Funding from Port Shorts Film Festival
3. Cape York Tenure Resolution Program Request for Views on Daintree National Park Tenure Actions
4. Relinquishment of Joint Trusteeship between Douglas Shire Council and Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Lot 900 SP238233 Blue Pools
5. Douglas Chamber of Commerce Resource and Performance Agreement
6. Tourism Port Douglas Daintree Resource and Performance Agreement
7. Gifting of the Balley Hooley Steam Railway
8. Commercial water usage charge for untreated water supply
9. Concealed Leak Financial Assistance Policy
10. Rates Financial Hardship Policy
11. QAO Interim Management Letter
12. Expense Reimbursement – Councillors Policy
13. Information Privacy Policy
14. Councillor Renumeration Policy
15. Operational Plan 2020-2021
16. Closed Session Table of Contents

See full Council reports here.

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