Chasing their dreams: Local dancers accepted to the big time


Years of sweat and hard work has paid off for two local dancers who have been accepted to study at prestigious dance school, Dynamite Studios Australia, on the Gold Coast in 2021.

Ruby Brunsdon and Angela Brischetto are much-loved members of the Bodies in Motion (BIM) family and have been dancing at the Mossman studio for many years.

BIM Principal, Saskia Turner, said there are not enough words to describe how proud she is of her students.

“As sad as we will be to see both of these amazing young women leave our BIM family, we know they are off to pursue bigger and better things down in the big smoke,” she said.

Eighteen-year-old Ruby started dancing at the age of five and has experienced BIM life from every aspect; as a student, a role model, and now a teacher.

Ruby auditioned for Dynamite Studio’s full-time performing arts course and received a call back with the good news only a few hours later. She is now set to train 40 hours a week under the guidance of Australia’s top dancers while completing her Certificate IV in Dance.

Angela joined the BIM family at just three years of age and immediately found her calling on the stage.

Not only is Angela a talented performer, but at only 14-years-old she has also found a love for teaching and choreography.

Angela auditioned for Dynamite Studios’ performing arts high school and successfully gained a position in their academy. Here, she will combine her dance training alongside her year 10 school studies.

In recent months, like most sporting clubs, dance classes were interrupted by COVID-19, but this hasn’t stopped Ruby or Angela from fine-tuning their skills.

“The resilience both girls have shown during the COVID-19 pandemic has been outstanding,” Ms Turner said.

“They have both maintained their training at home, as well as jumping at the opportunity to take online classes with outside teachers and choreographers from all over the world.

“The fact that we were able to put together their audition content in a video format and submit online during this hard time, just goes to show the girls have the ability to rise above in the face of adversity.”

Ruby and Angela will follow the success of other BIM students including Mia Ferrero, Olivia Dollard, Zachary Pilarcik and Miranda Hartley who have all moved away to further their dance training at some of the best institutes across Australia in recent years.

“This is a testament to the training we provide here at BIM and proves that despite coming from a small, rural area, with the right mindset and work ethic you can achieve big things,” Ms Turner said.

BIM is now taking enrolments for term three and four with classes restating as restrictions ease.

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