Whales return: Family of Humpbacks spotted minutes from Port


An awesome sight met sailors aboard Sailaway this morning with a family of Humpback Whales spotted just outside the Port Douglas Crystalbrook Marina.

The two adult whales and a calf, obviously ignoring border restrictions by making their way up the coast, are  the first known recorded sightings off Port Douglas for the 2020 season.

The pod was spotted just two nautical miles North East of Port Douglas, in only seven meters of water.

Humpback Whales make their way north each year between June and November to mate and calve as the wintery waters of the south become too cold.

This morning’s Sailaway guests were in awe as the majestic creatures came right up to the vessel before completing two laps around the boat.

The whales continued to show off with a display of breaching and tail slapping.

The sighting comes just days after Sailaway returned to the water following COVID lockdown and they expect to see more whales regularly for the next six weeks.

See video below: Video thanks to Brooke Nikora, Master Reef Guide at Sailaway Port Douglas

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