Border reopening: Queensland sets date says PM


A date has been set for the reopening of the Queensland borders according to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, following today’s National Cabinet meeting.

However, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has yet to make any confirmation.

In a press conference, the Prime Minister said the topic was discussed today.

"I welcome the decision, which I understand was made after National Cabinet today, by the Queensland Government, to nominate a date for the opening of that border in Queensland,” he said.

"We had a very open discussion about those issues today - the three-step process is very clear.

"It was a very constructive discussion. I anticipate states will be working through those decisions in the next few weeks and they’ll come to their own conclusions but what is important is whatever date that is, that it is nominated as soon as possible because that will enable the travel, tourism and hospitality industry to plan for that time."

It has been speculated - but not confirmed – that the date in question will be 10 July, which was the original date on Queensland’s road map to easing restrictions.

This reopening could be too late for the school holidays, however, which are due to start in Queensland, Victoria, and Northern Territory on 27 June, and on the 4 July for all other states and territories.

There has been a lot of conjecture surrounding the border reopening with different dates, including September, earmarked over recent months.

In recent weeks the Premier has repeatedly said she will review the situation at the end of this month.

It will now be up to the Premier to come out and make a formal announcement.  

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