What you can do in Queensland from mid-day


From mid-day today a number of COVID-19 restriction will be eased allowing Queenslanders greater freedoms within the state.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday announced stage two of Queensland’s Roadmap to easing restrictions will come into effect today, almost two weeks earlier than planned.

Under stage two, Queenslanders will be able to undertake unlimited travel including overnight stays throughout the entire state, barring biosecurity zones which are still restricted.

It is hoped this easing of restrictions, which will come well in time for the next school holidays, will significantly kick-start the tourism industry which has experienced an unprecedented downturn under strict Coronavirus restrictions.

However, state borders are set to remain closed for at least another month with the premier reviewing restrictions at the end of each month.

Gatherings numbers increase

It’s a small win for pubs, restaurants, and cafes too, with gatherings of up to 20 people to be permitted for both food and beverage service.

And from Friday this week, with a COVID safe industry plan, venues with multiple spaces or rooms will be able to allow up to 20 people in each separate area, seated for meals or drinks.

The same restrictions will apply to gyms and other health clubs, parks, museums and art galleries, in churches and places of worship and other public facilities such as libraries.

Community sporting events where clubs have more than one field, limits of 20 spectators per field will apply.

Commencing from 12 noon 1 June:

Gatherings of up to 20 people:

  • homes
  • public spaces and lagoons* (e.g. South Bank Parklands, Cairns, Airlie Beach etc)
  • non-contact indoor and outdoor community sport*
  • personal training
  • gyms*, health clubs* and yoga studios*
  • pools* (indoor and outdoor) and community sports clubs*
  • museums*, art galleries* and historic sites*
  • weddings
  • parks, playground equipment, skate parks and outdoor gyms
  • libraries*
  • hiking, camping and other recreational activities in national and state parks
  • places of worship* and religious and civil ceremonies
  • Funerals (max 50)
  • Recreational travel, camping and accommodation, including caravan parks (anywhere in Queensland)

20 people permitted at any one time for:

  • indoor cinemas*
  • open homes* and auctions*
  • outdoor amusement parks*, tourism experiences*, zoos* and arcades*
  • concert venues*, theatres*, arenas*, auditoriums* and stadiums*
  • beauty therapy, nail salons, tanning, tattoo parlours and spas (with COVID SAFE Checklist).

* - More with COVID SAFE Plan approved by health authorities
^ - Max 20 with a COVID SAFE Checklist when not complying with the COVID SAFE Industry Plan
# - Except Biosecurity Areas or Restricted Areas

Biosecurity Zones

The easing of restrictions in state travel do not include Biosecurity or restricted zones for indigenous communities which will remain in place subject to a review in consultation with community members.

This means access is still restricted to Cape communities including the local government areas of Wujal Wujal, Aurukun, Cook, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Pormpuraaw, Torres Strait Island, and Torres.

The state government has launched a three-stage Roadmap to easing access restrictions for Queensland’s remote communities, enabling designated communities to transition from the current federal emergency biosecurity restrictions, which are not set to end until 17 September 2020, to state-based arrangements under Chief Health Officer public health directions.

The Queensland Government will ask the Federal Government to remove Queensland’s remote communities from the Biosecurity Determination from 12 June 2020 to enable stage two state-based arrangements to commence.

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer will issue public health directions to manage ongoing risk, account for different health risk profiles throughout the State, and reflect the views and needs of Queensland’s First Nations communities.

The timeframe and restrictions would likely vary between communities.

Stage one enables people entering or re-entering a designated community to self-quarantine within that community, where safe to do so. Under stage one, quarantine exemptions will remain in place for essential workers, those travelling through communities without stopping and those granted an exemption by the Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group in the designated area.

Under stage two, the Chief Health Officer will publish a direction that enables communities to become part of ’safe travel zones’ residents can easily travel within based on public health advice. A ‘Safe Travel Zone’ can be made up of a single community, or several local government areas, depending on the risk profile of the area. Stage two can commence following the Commonwealth removal of communities from the Biosecurity Determination.

Stage three of the Roadmap removes entry and quarantine restrictions, with remote and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities — plus the Burke and Cook shires — subject to the same provisions as other areas of Queensland under the Roadmap to Easing Restrictions.

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