One Port Douglas girl found a unique way to honour the Anzacs
Despite not being able to honour the Anzacs in the usual way today, 12-year-old Anoushka Jenkins has come up with her own unique memorial.
Over the last couple of days, the Jenkins’ family green garbage bin has been standing proudly in front of their house painted in Poppies, thanks to Anoushka’s handiwork.
“Whenever I think of Anzac Day I think of Poppies because all the people that served in the war always wear them in the parades,” Anoushka said.
After hearing that people were going to be standing in their driveways on Anzac Day and finding new ways to honour those who served, Anoushka decided she too would do something.
“We should still find a way to honour them and I was at home doing nothing anyway.
“I think people still need to remember that the Anzacs gave us peace, so even though the world is not in the best place right now, it could be a lot worse, we could be at war,” she said.

Anoushka said she was not a painter but it was a fun activity to do and is something nice that she and her family could stand next to on their driveway at dawn to remember the Anzacs.
Lest we forget.
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