VIDEO | Local musician and entertainer get creative with music while stuck at home
After 30 days at home in isolation, local boys, musician Bobby Maguire, and roommate and entertainer Sam Evans, are admittedly going a little stir crazy, so they are using the time to get creative with their music.
The pair recently created a satirical public service announcement using British rock band Police’s hit song, Don’t Stand So Close To Me, creating new lyrics about coronavirus and adding a cheeky music video.
Maguire and Evans, who grew up in the Douglas Shire but currently reside in Cairns, said they got the idea after finding an old Police CD a couple of weeks ago.
“We were blasting it while driving around the neighbourhood because at the time people were still gathering in groups,” Maguire said.
“Then we thought we would do our own take and I created some new lyrics, knocked it up in our home studio and did a video which was really fun.”
The video shows the boys going a little crazy stuck at home, climbing the walls, washing their hands a lot, and checking for their government coronavirus payments.
Some of the lyrics Maguire adding include, “handwashing, no flossing, MyGov life on the net, sometimes it’s not so easy to get your crisis cheque.”
And “temptation, frustration, never guessed how bad it would get, dictators locked their states up but has anyone been paid yet?”
Watch the Don't Stand So Close To Me (COVID-19) video below:
Maguire said it was a fun way to utilise their time and hopefully people get a laugh out of it.
“We are both entertainers, that is our job and we have both lost those jobs and are in a bit of limbo at the moment so we are just trying to do something positive,” he said.
The pair are also streaming lookdown live concerts via Facebook every second day from 7:00pm direct from their loungeroom to keep both fans and themselves entertained.
“So keep an eye on my Facebook, Bobby Maguire Music, and the content will keep coming,” Maguire said.
Before Coronavirus hit, Maguire had just released his self-titled debut album and had been promoting it through gigs, so lockdown has thrown a spanner in the works for him.
However, not to be deterred he will soon be releasing a new music video for a single off the album called ‘home’.
“There’s a lot more to come so watch this space,” he said.
Coronavirus has severely impacted the Australia music scene with performers unable to perform.
So Maguire said if you want to support local artist then get your music from platforms like Bandcamp and SoundCloud.
“A lot of these type of music services are forfeiting their part of the royalties for certain periods and giving them to the artists.”
You can also support artists, including Maguire, by buying a t-shirt through Oz Music Festivals’ #tees4performers initiative.
40 per cent of the proceeds go directly to the performer while 20 per cent goes to Support Act's COVID-19 Emergency Appeal, which is providing crisis relief and mental health support for artists, crew and music workers affected by the COVID-19 closures and shutdowns.
Hear more of Bobby Maguire’s music here.
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