Road to recovery tourism tutorials to help businesses


The Australian Tourism Export Council has developed the Road to Recovery Tourism Tutorials and in doing so, have said there has never been a better time to work on our businesses.

“Getting ready for people to start travelling again is key to ensuring your business is set up for future success and ATEC is here to help you.”

The ‘Road to Recovery’ Tourism Tutorial Series is a 36-week program designed to provide the industry with all the necessary tools in order to be ready for the bounce back from COVID-19.

The tutorials are just 45 minutes, they are free of charge and will be hosted every Thursday at 2 pm (AEST). The program began yesterday.

The series will cover a range of topics such as tools to adapt and innovate, marketing in an even more so digital world and bettering commercial relationships.

Upcoming tutorials:

WEEK 2: Build your Road to Recovery Checklist

By Nicole Mitchell - Global Project Executive, Experiences - Tourism Australia
Thursday 23rd April | 2:00 - 2:45pm (EST)
Click here to secure your spot today.

WEEK 3: The Virtual World – There’s never been a better time
By Sarah Taylor - Creative Director of Branding & Fun, Spicy Broccoli Media
Thursday 30th April | 2:00 - 2:45pm (EST)
Click here to secure your spot today.

WEEK 4: Adapt and Innovate in this New World
Presented by Leila Wearing - General Manager of Learning Ventures
Thursday 7th May | 2:00 - 2:45pm (EST)
Click here to secure your spot today.

Coming soon...

Week 5: Leading Remote & Virtual teams

Week 6: Facebook, Instagram and Linked-In Stay Connected and Grow your Customer Base

Week 7: Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Tourism Business

Week 8: The Perfect Virtual Pitch and Presentation Tips
Week 9: Is your Digital Shopfront Ready to do Business? E-commerce, SEO/SEM Basics?

Week 10: Review, Refine and Rebuild Your Tourism Experiences for this New World

Week 11: Top Tips for working with Online Travel Agents

Week 12: Focus on Domestic Tourism and Working with LTO's, RTO's, STO's

For more information visit ATEC Road to Recovery.

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