Mossman’s get out and play golf special
The Mossman Golf Club has launched a ‘Get Out and Play Golf Special’ to encourage golfers to capitalise on the opportunity to play despite Covid-19.
“I understand the restrictions placed on us, which will be of benefit in the long term, can be getting us down.
“However, the State Government has allowed us to get out and play golf if we want to. So as a special offer to community club members, we are offering a ‘Golf Special’ to get you out of the house, enjoy the fresh air and exercise.
“We are offering a game of golf with cart for $30pp, or if you want to walk $15pp. During this crisis there are some restrictions, which are:
• Only one person in the golf shop at one time;
• Social distancing of 1.5m is to be adhered to at all times including on the golf course;
• No alcohol to be brought onto or consumed on club premises, including the course;
• No more than two players/people per group, which includes family members;
• No sharing of golf carts, except family members. However, the above rule applies;
• Use tap and pay instead of cash wherever possible;
• There is to be no gathering of people around the club before or after your game;
• Practice good hygiene.
“If you would like to take advantage of this offer telephone the club from Saturday on 4098 2089 to book,” said Kym Rowley, club General Manager.
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