No going bush: Cape restrictions in place
COVID-19 restrictions
Before COVID-19, today would have marked the beginning of the Easter School Holiday break with many families traditionally going camping, however, police warn not to be tempted to pack up the four wheel drive and head out across the far north.
COVID-19 restrictions remain in place, with people restricted from entering remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that are designated areas under emergency provisions of the Biosecurity Act.
All communities across Cape York and Torres Straits are within the declared biosecurity area, as are Yarrabah and Mornington Shire Aboriginal communities.
Police will have a number of vehicle checkpoints in place to restrict non-essential travel into the Cape.
Essential service personnel are exempt so important services such as healthcare, police and emergency services as well as essential supplies can continue to enter this area.
For those non-exempt vehicles, they will be refused entry and turned around.
These measures are designed to reduce the spread and impact of the virus to vulnerable people in our communities.
Similar procedures are in place on the Pine Creek Yarrabah Road at the Base of the Yarrabah range.
The Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road is closed at Emmagen Creek and south of Wujal Wujal.
These restrictions will remain in place until further notice.
All camping areas within Queensland national parks, state forests, and recreation areas are currently restricted and as of today, 3 April, all day use areas at Lake Tinaroo are also closed along with a number of national parks across the state. See full list here.
Far north residents are requested to adhere to the present advice and refrain from any non-essential travel.
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