Bobby Alu giveaway winners announced


Newsport Readers had the opportunity to receive one of five double passes to see musician Bobby Alu live in concert at the Tanks Arts Centre on Friday 13 March.

The winners are:

- Sandra Dibbs
- Jenny Clarke
- Christopher James Clarke-Mcken
- Georgie Sadler
- Deb Mckean

Please contact Newsport on 40995122 to redeem your tickets.

Smooth harmonies and rhythms inspired by a strong family lineage of Polynesian performance will have audiences grooving as Bobby returns to the Far North.

Touring his third album, titled Flow, the Byron Bay based performer is excited to be hitting Far North Queensland.

Upon its release in October this year, Flow landed a Double J feature album spot and quickly entered the AIR Independent album charts, peaking at number one on both the 100% Independent Albums Chart and Independent Labels Chart.

For those who missed out on winning the double passes to Bobby’s all-ages show, there are still tickets available from Ticketlink. 

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