Local business owner Peter McKeown running for Council


Mossman businessman, Peter McKeown, has put his name forward to run for councillor in the upcoming local government election on 28 March, advocating for sustainable growth and economic prosperity.

This is the second time the Temptations Café owner has put his hand up, running in the 2016 Council election, getting pipped at the post by just a handful of votes.

Mr McKeown is keen to run again saying he is ready to serve the entire community.

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Born and bred in Far North Queensland, Mr McKeown has been a Douglas Shire resident for over 35 years, involved in community sporting clubs, associations, and charity groups over that time.

“I have been in business in Mossman and Port Douglas for the past 30 plus years, over this time, I have developed a passion for the area and its progress,” he said.

“I believe the Shire needs to move forward with sustainable development that in turn provides growth, employment and a future for our children.

“We all like to live in the district because of its natural beauty and environment, and Council needs to consider this in decision making but we also need to progress,” he said.

The popular figure in the Shire said on his agenda is rates, water security and costs, and encouraging further business development, employment, and prosperity.

“My extended family have been involved in many various sectors of the shire, from farming, hospitality, retail, transport, and in my current position (at Temptations Café) I have a lot of contact with locals and visitors and listen to their opinions and views on the area,” he said.

Mr McKeown joins a long list of candidates bidding for a seat in Council Chambers including incumbent Councillors Roy Zammattaro and Abigail Noli, along with new candidates Natalie Johnson, Lisa Scomazzon, Kym Rowley, Steve Cruickshank, and former Councillor Bruce Clarke.

Of the other incumbent councillors, David Carey has yet to commit; while Michael Kerr is challenging Mayor Julia Leu, who will be seeking a third term.

Key dates:

  • Close of candidate nominations: 3 March 2020
  • Ballot draw: 4 March 2020
  • Postal voting: 5 - 28 March 2020
  • Pre-polling: 16 - 27 March 2020
  • Election (Polling) Day: Saturday 28 March 2020 (8am – 6pm)
  • Cut-off for return of Postal votes: 7 April 2020

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