Cash injection for Mossman Botanic Garden
The Mossman Botanic Garden (MBG) has received a $20,000 cash injection thanks to the Federal Government’s Communities Environment Program.
And Botanic Gardens Chairman, John Sullivan, said he was delighted to receive this funding which would allow them to work with the Australian Tropical Herbarium, which is based at James Cook University, for the development of plant collections.
“This is a most welcome boost for the garden, it opens up numerous opportunities and allows us to move further forward,” said Sullivan who is looking forward to receiving other incentives within the next few weeks.
Situated on 50 acres of land near where the Mossman markets are held, the MBG will be a world class botanical garden showcasing the unique botanical collections of the UNESCO world heritage listed rainforests in Tropical North Queensland.
Featuring a state-of-the-art bio-security facility, restaurant, art gallery, amphitheatre and wetlands, the garden will be a vital research institution and a garden of opportunities for the community.
In making this announcement today, Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said six organisations had been awarded funding under the federal government’s Communities Environment Program.
A broad range of organisations were eligible to apply for funding under the Communities Environment Program including local community clubs, not-for-profit organisations, land care groups and schools.
Grants of between $2500 and $20,000 were available under the program.
Successful organisations include:
• Mossman Botanic Garden: $20,000
• Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group: $20,000
• Kuranda Envirocare: $15,000
• Treeforce Association: $20,000
• Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc: $20,000
• Cairns Regional Council – Saltwater Creek Project: $15,000
Mr Entsch said the Communities Environment Program was empowering FNQ community groups to deliver practical local environmental projects that would not only raise environmental awareness but also strengthen the local community.
He said community groups across Far North Queensland are already delivering many fantastic environmental projects, whether it’s planting trees, cleaning up local waterways, reducing litter or protecting native species.
“This program is all about harnessing the passion of grassroots community organisations to deliver practical local projects that directly improve our local environment,” said Mr Entsch.
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