Severe weather warning issued for damaging winds


The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather warning for the North Tropical Coast and Tablelands.

Damaging winds with gusts around 90km/h are forecast early tomorrow morning for Port Douglas, Mossman, Cairns, Tully, Gordonvale, Babinda, and Redlynch.

The Bureau of Meteorology has said a surface low-pressure system is located over central Queensland, moving east.

Strong downslope westerly winds are possible east of the Dividing Range with locations within a few kilometres east of the base of the Range particularly susceptible to these conditions.

The conditions should ease later on Saturday morning.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises that people should:

• Move your car under cover or away from trees.
• Secure loose outdoor items.
• Seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees.
• Beware of fallen trees and powerlines.
• For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500.

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