Local businesses raise money for fire devastation


Three popular Port Douglas entertainment spots are launching fundraising events to assist with the devastating fires impacting large parts of the country.

This comes after Paws and Claws announced they would be donating $1,320 to Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) from money received from their collection boxes. They will be adding to this following January’s collection.

On Australia Day, the Port Douglas Yacht Club will be staging a fundraiser which will involve a three-pronged attack.

They hope to raise money from a gold coin donation; a silent auction and a dollar from each beer sold which will go towards the fire cause.

The yacht club will host the fundraiser on their lawns and will feature a number of bands as part of the entertainment: Area 13; Daigo Kwik; Portamento Bell duo; C Change and a number of local artists.

“We are looking forward to assisting where we can and hope to raise a significant amount on the day,” said Richard Stapleton, the club manager.

Paddy’s Irish Bar & Rattle n Hum Port Douglas will be hosting a total of three raffles events over two nights next week which will be on Wednesday January 15 and Thursday January 16.

Both venues will also have gold coin donation buckets available at the entry points and bar at both premises.
Paddy’s will have live music from 6-9pm on Wednesday from local artist Cam Kettle who has generously donated his time and talent. The first draw will happen at 7:30pm.

Paddy’s is also offering patrons to purchase their famous Parma’s for $15.00 instead of $10.00, and then match every $5.00 raised for donations.

Rattle n Hum will host the second draw at 7:30pm on Thursday, the third and major draw at 9pm on the same evening. They are also offering patrons to add $5.00 to their $10.00 T-Bone steak night matching the $5.00 as well, with $10 from each meal donated.

“We have gathered the prizes for our Raffle’s from a lot of local businesses who have been incredibly eager and generous to help.

“All monies raised will be donated to NSW RFSA (New South Wales Rural Fire Service Association) and we are grateful to be able to assist all those who have been affected by these horrific fires,” said Danny Gray.

Gray said they have chosen NSW as they have been hardest hit and is closest to his heart.

“My cousin was found on Monday afternoon near his car at his property outside of Nerrigundah,” he said.

Douglas Shire Council, meanwhile, has announced they will have collection points for monetary donations at its offices in Mossman and Port Douglas from next week, with the funds being donated to the Red Cross.

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