Yacht Club supports Marine Rescue in Port Douglas
The Port Douglas Yacht Club have reinstated their annual donation to Marine Rescue Port Douglas and at a recent ceremony on the club’s pontoon, a cheque for $2,500 was presented to members of the rescue organisation.
“With uncertainty over the past few years, this donation lapsed but my committee has voted to reinstate it this year,” said Commodore Bob Standley, who handed over the cheque.
“We often see the RV Port Douglas towing stricken vessels past the club. They provide great support for mariners in the region and we are delighted to support their operation,” he said.
Marine Rescue Port Douglas President Ross Wood said: “We are very appreciative of the Yacht Club’s support and are pleased to be able to offer their members coverage in the event of difficulties at sea.”
The Port Douglas Yacht Club is a major community and tourist attraction with their Wednesday Afternoon Guest Sailing (WAGS) free sailing outings for visitors a popular weekly event for locals and tourists.
The Club’s Annual Quicksilver Race Week in May attracts yachts from all around the region for some enjoyable competition.
For more information visit the Port Douglas Yacht Club or Marine Rescue Port Douglas.
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