Family and child connect assistance


For families who are finding the Christmas season tough, help is just a phone call away thanks to Family and Child Connect.

Child Safety Minister Di Farmer said Christmas could be a tough time of year for many people and many families who might feel the pressure of the festive season with an increase in expenses, family pressure and school holidays.

“There are support services right across Queensland that can support families who need a helping hand, and I encourage any family who needs some support to reach out,” she said.

“This time of year is particularly busy with children off school, family gathering and additional demands that can cause stress for many families.

“Family and Child Connect services are there with support, information and advice so that families can get back to enjoying Christmas and spending time together.”

Ms Farmer said local, community-based services could connect families to the right service at the right time.

“Being a parent can be really hard at times and everyone needs a helping hand from time-to-time,” she said.

“Family and Child Connect services work with families to help them overcome any problems they might be facing.

“This support is not only available over the holiday season, it’s there year-round helping with things from building better relationships between family members, household budgets, and managing more serious issues of alcohol, drug or gambling problems.

“We have rolled out Family and Child Connect services right across the state to make sure families from the far north to the south and out west can access this help.

“I know staff work tirelessly helping families with a range of needs, and I thank them for this,” she said.

Families looking for support this Christmas should contact Family and Child Connect on 13 FAMILY (13 32 64) or visit for more information.

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