The end of the tail for Mossman’s nativity sheep


The Mossman Uniting Church’s Nativity Sheep Trail, which was launched last month to encourage people to shop local in the lead up to Christmas, has come to an end.

Small toy sheep were hidden in participating businesses across Mossman with families encouraged to search for them in different stores and record the name on the sheep to go into the draw to win a family Christmas Hamper.

Nativity Sheep Trail Co-ordinator, Janelle Shrimpton, said the trail was very well received by the community.

“We had 62 entries from families and children with three major prize winners and two participation prizes,” she said.

“Many of the business owners gave positive feedback about the trail, saying it was lovely to have children and families come into their shops looking for the sheep.” 

Ms Shrimpton said the participating families really enjoyed the trail with one saying, “it was such a wonderful idea, we really enjoyed visiting the local shops”.

The Nativity Sheep Trail winners were drawn at the Messy Christmas Family Fun Afternoon and BBQ held at the Mossman Uniting Church.

The winners of the Nativity Sheep Trail were:
- Regan Ives
- Hayley Coulta
- Read Miler

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