Carnivale spend tops Council agenda
COUNCIL returns for its first sitting of the New Year on Tuesday, and Carnivale 2018, being held on May 25, 26 and 27, will be a key item on the agenda with the popular event a year away from its 25th anniversary.
The primary objectives of Carnivale 2018 are:
1. To host a three-day festival celebrating the ‘essence’ of Port Douglas;
2. Deliver a simple but high quality event; and
3. Lay the foundations for a total event refresh and a launching pad for the 25th anniversary event in 2019.
The proposed format of events are:
• Friday, 25 May: Longest Lunch, Rex Smeal Park; Macrossan Street parade and Carnivale fun, ending with fireworks.
• Saturday, 26 May: Beachday – Tropical Magic Concert, Rex Smeal Park.
• Sunday, 27 May: Seafood Extravaganza, Port Douglas Marina; Speigeltent.
In Council papers, it is reported that Carnivale 2018 is being managed and overseen by Council including coordination of activities. In terms of financing, the original budget approved for Carnivale 2018 was $70,000 cash and $10,000 in-kind.
“Following preparation of the program of events and assessment of resource requirements, a total event budget of $170,000 was identified: $55,000 is being sourced externally and $115,000 is required from Council.
“An additional budget allocation of $45,000 is therefore required, which can be sourced from unspent funds from Council's Grants program.”
According to survey of 107 people, who attended Carnivale 2016, 84% of attendees were locals.
“The focus of this year’s Carnivale is to stage a simple, affordable festival primarily targeting the local community as well as the regional FNQ market.
“As a guideline it is expected that PR and Media activities will be apportioned as follows:
• Local market 75%
• Cairns 10%
• Wider FNQ 10%
• National 5%
Council will review a Development Application “for a Material Change of Use for Service Industry, Caretaker's Residence, Shopping Facility (second-hand sales/repair) & Indoor Sport and Entertainment (Gymnasium), over land located at 1-5 Dickson Street, Craiglie.”
The application was made under the 2006 Douglas Shire Planning Scheme, and will continue to be assessed under this scheme.
According to the Council report, the land is within the Industry Planning Area of the Port Douglas and Environs locality under the 2006 Planning Scheme; the proposal is consistent with the 2018 Planning Scheme and considered to meet the benchmark provisions. The allotment has a site area of 4847 square metres and is predominantly utilised as a light industry yard.
The proposal is being recommended for approval by Council, subject to conditions.
In the September 2017 school holidays, an initiative was launched to provide a discounted fare for travel on the Daintree River Ferry, if paying customers travelled daily before 9:00am.
This was implemented to determine if discounted fares would entice travelling earlier in the day and reduce queuing at peak times.
In the data that will be presented to Council, there is no evidence that travel patterns varied compared to previous years, and the initiative to entice tourists to travel earlier was unsuccessful.
Council Agenda, Tuesday 30 January, 10:00am
5.1. Material change of use for a caretaker's residence at 4990r Captain Cook Hwy Oak Beach
5.2. Material change of use- 1-5 Dickson Street, Craiglie
5.3. Wet tropics report card 2017
5.4. Temporary road closure adjoining 12-36 Alchera Dr, Mossman, described as lot 1 on rp851453
5.5. Joint trustee arrangements with Jabalbina Yalanji aboriginal corporation lot 900 sp238233 blue pools
5.6. Regional arts development fund (RADF) 2017-18 program
5.7. Carnivale 2018
5.8. Financial report for the period ended 31 December 2017
5.9. Port Douglas markets policy
5.10. Daintree river ferry - analysis of early bird fares
5.11. Warner Street drainage and footpath design project
5.12. Operational plan progress report October - December 2017
5.13. Capital works progress report for the 2nd quarter 2017 - 2018
For Council agenda visit the website.
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