Looking your best for Santa!


THE family have all descended and out come the smartphones. Family photos of Christmas 2017 will be plastered over social media and into photo albums. These are what memories are made of and you’ll be looking back on these images for decades to come. You don’t want to hate yourself for looking stressed, haggard and the ‘before’ of an after photo.

Ensuring that you feel your best and relaxed is important. It’s so easy to spend your time and energy thinking about everything and everybody else. Remember, ‘YOU’ time is just, if not more, important.  


With the high humidity here in Far North Queensland and Christmas temperatures soaring into the 30’s, having a practical but easily sustainable hairstyle is important.

  • Putting it up is a good idea as it is cooling, especially if you are spending time in a hot kitchen
  • Ensure you have ties, clips or grips and hairspray
  • Give your hair a squirt of protective moisture protection spray/serum so if you end up in the pool and under the sun your hair won’t dry out and get damaged
  • On YouTube you can Google “fancy ponytails” or “messy bun” for inspiration on a more modern take on these traditional styles. Have a practice beforehand and you never know, this might have you discovering a new style and not just for Christmas
  • If you want a new cut or colour, remember to get your booking in quickly as hairdressers can get very busy around Christmas with all the Christmas parties and functions. 

Book your appointment now with Salon Z - call 4099 4645 or check out their Facebook Page for Christmas specials!



  • Work out what outfit you are wearing for Christmas, as it might be good to tie in your nail colour with this. If you want to go really festive try alternate green and red nails.
  • Make sure you book your appointment as they will be busy this time of year!
  • The gel nails last longer (for around 4 weeks) so best not to keep to a colour you can use for after Christmas as well as for that New Year’s Eve party.

Book your appointment now with Award Winning Divine Beauty in Mossman - call 07 4098 3640 or check their website for more information.


What to wear

The key to what to wear on Christmas day is comfort and aesthetics!

  • Being in the tropics and sporting a Christmas sweater with a reindeer motif a la mode Bridget Jones style is impractical.
  • Natural cotton, bamboo, or even beechwood (check out these amazing, unique, light wearing and crease proof clothes at BellisiMo) clothes are easy to wear in hot climates.
  • If you are planning to be poolside a long or short cover up and swimming costume are a must to be considered. Treat yourself and shop for a beautiful new one- or two piece at Tshinta on Macrossan Street. Choose from beautiful new brands and designs available in store and online or enjoy in-store specials from 20% - 50% off. Private fittings are available on request.
  • Remember to apply sun screen (front and back!), you don’t want to resemble Rudolf the reindeer in your Christmas snaps. If you are outside on Christmas Day nothing less than a factor 50 is recommended! Buying one endorsed by the Cancer Council is also to be advised. 

R&R – Rest and Relaxation

Before getting buried under stuffing the turkey, decking the halls and all the fa la la la-ing - Treat yourself to pure relaxation with a spa session on the lead up to the big day. Think of this as a Christmas present to yourself... a 'reward' for nearly getting everything organized.

You will be surprised how tense your muscles have become after battling through shopping and endless planning. A blissful facial and a head, neck and shoulder massage will give you that rejuvenated boost to take on the next big push ... Christmas day!

Book your spa treatment at spaQ - call 409940 89



With the technology of fake eyelashes now looking so realistic why not treat yourself to some false lashes. Attached lash by lash to your existing eyelashes they look and feel like the real deal. Bat your eyes away on Christmas Day and feel like a movie star. You won’t have to worry either about your mascara smudging or getting wet in the pool.If you are keeping ‘au naturel’ then investing in some waterproof mascara will give you the confident to not worry that after swimming in the pool you will look like the negative photo of a panda.



At this time of year in Port Douglas, despite the electricity bills, A/C’s are turned up on Christmas Day. Keeping guests, that haven’t yet acclimatised to the heat in the tropics comfortable, is a priority. Being in A/C cooled rooms can dehydrate your skin, so make sure you over moisturise to avoid it drying out and resembling the look of a discarded snakeskin. Also, of course, keep hydrated. Along with the alcoholic drinks put out jugs of cool water with lemon, limes and cucumbers – refreshing and healthy!



With the succession of celebrations leading up to Christmas one’s eyes can indeed be the mirror to the soul and the overindulgence that has occurred. If the normal teabags and cucumbers aren’t doing their thing then resort to science. Eye drops that whiten the eyes are a great way of looking fresh and vital on Christmas Day (not to be used continually or with contact lenses).

Or hide behind some sunglasses! 


Do you have any other tips? Let us know in the comments below!

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