Rangers catch Cape Trib croc that attacked tourist


- <link november watch-tourist-treated-for-crocodile-bite-at-mossman-hospital>WATCH: Tourist attacked by crocodile at Cape Tribulation

THE crocodile that attacked an English tourist at Cape Tribulation earlier this week has been captured.

Wildlife officers from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) had targeted the animal for removal after it lunged at the 24-year-old woman walking beside a small creek.

The incident was caught on camera by the tourist, who had been filming a mudskipper along the waters edge. The video has since gone viral on social media and made international headlines.


She was treated for a bite mark and minor injuries to her thigh at the Mossman Hospital.

EHP worked with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) rangers to install a crocodile trap on Wednesday.

"When they checked it early this morning, the targeted crocodile was already inside," an EHP spokesperson said.

The crocodile and trap was transported to a secure holding facility.

“The crocodile will ultimately be placed with a suitable crocodile farm or zoo,” the EHP spokesperson continued.

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