Vote croc wise this Saturday


THE number and size of crocodiles is exploding without any increase in their natural habitat. As a result, crocodiles are appearing in every conceivable place of water where we humans live and reside. They are an increasing threat to human life. They also pose a serious threat to our jobs.

Eighty per cent of jobs in the region depend directly or indirectly on tourism income. The lions share of that income comes from high season domestic (and NZ) visitors seeking warmth, rest and relaxation. If these guests think that they cannot rest and relax on our iconic Four Mile Beach without being reasonably protected from crocodiles, they will stop coming every year and those that do come will dramatically shorten their length of stay.

The result will be a very damaging loss of tourism income and therefore jobs. This does not have to be inevitable. Effective measures have been proposed to greatly increase the safety of holiday makers in the main swimming areas of Four Mile. But without the support of a government or even our local elected government candidate, any such positive steps are slow to impossible.

It is imperative that this time around we elect a candidate who gives a damn and who is going to fight to protect human life in our urban areas and to protect the industry on which we depend. 

Having met all of the candidates, there would not seem to be much choice.

When directly asked what they intend to do about our croc problem, the Liberal candidate responded by saying that the current croc management plans in place were sufficient (obviously not), Labour said they were with the Greens, but they will educate people to be wary approaching any stretch of water that crocodiles may inhabit (which given their increasing explosion this basically equates to any public area of water, beaches included). The Greens stand was obviously “leave the crocodiles alone” and the One Nation Candidate said they would “Kill the B…...d’s”. All very discouraging.  

The only candidate that seemed to get our problem and to have a genuine desire, passion and policy to effect a change is Gordon Rasmussen from the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP). And he seems a good local guy to boot.

I am not naturally a Katter supporter. However, the imperative need for our region is ensuring that we have a person who is going to stand up for us in government and effect a change. If we have another four years of the same government's lack of action, our tourism industry will be irrevocably damaged and human life will undoubtedly be lost to crocodiles in our Shire.

I have no hesitation, after listening to all candidates, to vote for our only hope – Gordon Rasmussen and to put the Liberal, Labour and Greens on the bottom of my voting preferences.

If you care about crocodiles and humans, but believe that humans should come first, I urge you to vote the same.

Wendy Crossman
Resident of the Douglas Shire for 25 years and resort owner for eight years