Love is in the air in Port Douglas


Australia votes Yes to same sex marriage

THE result of the same-sex marriage survey could be a boon for the Port Douglas wedding industry.

The tropical village already hosts over 500 wedding ceremonies a year, and local industry experts are expecting a hike in 2018 if the marriage reform is pushed through the parliament before Christmas, as promised by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today.

Bec McLean, from Dragonfly Weddings and Events, said she already had a same-sex wedding booked for the New Year in preparation for a Yes vote.

“It’s going to be absolutely fabulous for the town and the region,” McLean told Newsport.

“We’ve been super excited about what a Yes vote could mean and hopefully same-sex marriage will be legalised quickly now.

“With Port Douglas being a laid back, cruisy and accepting place already, this result can only be a positive for the industry. I know the wedding professionals group have been discussing and preparing for this for some time.”

Vickie Kurth, from Port Douglas Weddings and Hire, said the decision was ‘so right’.

“I think it’s fantastic news not just for Port Douglas, but the surrounding communities," she said.

"It's a positive result for everyone."

Wangetti’s Turtle Cove Beach Resort, which markets itself as ‘Australia’s only LGBTI adult resort’, said the announcement would have a flow on effect for tourism.

Marketing manager Mike Evans said the resort had been developing packages for same-sex marriage couples in preparation for changes to the Marriage Act, be it for weddings or honeymoons.

“We are expecting an influx of phones calls and enquiries about prices and packages for weddings,” he said.

“Whether that be two guys that want to get married on the beach, or they want to book our entire 30 room resort and have the wedding, ceremony, and recovery all here.

“The on sale of this decision will be huge for the region.”

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the time for marriage reform was ‘well overdue’ and welcomed the result this morning.

She said the Douglas Shire was a spectacular setting for weddings.

“The Sugar Wharf in Port Douglas, for example, is a popular water front venue for couples to proclaim their love for each other,” Leu said.

“The Douglas Shire community has always championed diversity and inclusion. We look forward to same-sex couples celebrating their wedding day in this beautiful part of the world.”

The Douglas Shire was the only council in the Far North to formally support same-sex marriage, having backed a law change since November 2014.

“Now legislators must listen to the rest of the country. The time for change has come and this is definitely well overdue,” Leu said.

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