Free access to Daintree begins for residents


RESIDENTS living from Cardwell to Cooktown can experience the beauty of the Daintree Rainforest for free over the next four months.

The Douglas Card is now available and offers residents in the region, including the Atherton Tablelands, free travel on the Daintree River Ferry until February 28.

Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree executive officer Tara Bennett said the card was an enticement to “local” people to see the beauty, adventure and relaxation available in their northern backyard.

“The free ferry ride makes it that much easier for regional residents to pop up for a weekend visit or take a bit more time to enjoy the more than 25 attractions from forest zip lining to croc spotting to night bush walks to Great Barrier Reef trips,” Bennett said.

The cable powered ferry near the end of the 140-kilometre-long Daintree River is the only way to reach the region by road all year round.

?As a further enticement to get out and explore, Bennett said TPDD would be offering one lucky person the chance to win a Digital Detox mini break for two adults valued at more than $2000.

The competition is designed to shake off the stresses of the technology charged world and relax in paradise. Go to to enter.

"The Douglas Card is available from the Douglas Shire Council and residents can apply on its website. The ferry charge is usually $26 return and the free ferry travel is available to private motorists,' Bennett said.

Douglas Card applicants need to provide photographic identification and
additional proof of residency with their application. Forms can be found on the council's website.

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