Stinger nets return to Four Mile Beach


THE stinger nets have returned to Four Mile Beach in Port Douglas.

Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) began rolling out the nets across Far North beaches on Monday, with the net placed in Port Douglas today.

Lifesavers will continue to perform regular stinger drags in and around the main swimming area, with North Queensland regional manager Rob Davidson encouraging anyone heading for a swim to remain vigilant over the coming months.

“It’s really important that beachgoers are taking all steps possible to protect themselves in and around the water this stinger season,” Davidson said.

“Covering up with appropriate clothing and staying within the stinger nets at all times will give people the best chance possible of avoiding a nasty sting.

“We encourage everyone entering the water to wear protecting clothing such as a wetsuit or lycra body suit but, if you don’t have that, a long-sleeved shirt and pants can also effective.

“While the nets aren’t 100 percent stinger proof, our lifesavers and lifeguards will conduct regular drags in and around the enclosures, and immediately close a beach if any dangerous stingers are found.”

Mr Davidson also urged swimmers to refrain from sitting on, playing near, or interfering with the stinger enclosures, as jellyfish can sometimes wash over the top or through the sides.

“Any swimmers who are stung should immediately notify the lifeguards or lifesavers on duty,” he said.

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