Mayor launches Douglas Shire Christmas appeal


MAYOR Julia Leu has launched the 2017 Christmas Appeal for the Douglas Shire.

“The Mayor’s Christmas Appeal helps local families in need, with funds used to buy food for Christmas hampers,” Leu said.

“Council appreciates the continued support of the Ministers’ Association, local church volunteers and Jawunkarra Indigenous Family Support Service who give their time annually to pack and deliver hampers across the Shire.

“Christmas is a special time of the year for giving and cash donations are also welcome from the community.”

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible and forms are available at Mossman Administration Office, Port Douglas Hub, Douglas Libraries or at Council's website.

Families with children aged 15 years and under who hold a federal government benefit card are eligible to apply for a food hamper from October 30 to November 30 2017.

Where to apply for a Mayor’s Christmas Appeal hamper:

Mossman Support Services: 20 Mill St Mossman Ph: 4098 2005 Weekdays 9am to 4pm

Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre:
6-10 Mowbray St Port Douglas Ph: 4099 5518 Weekdays 9am to 4pm

Jawunkarra Indigenous Family Support Service:
7 Johnston Rd Mossman Ph: 4098 3244 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9am to Noon

Douglas Shire Council: 64-66 Front St Mossman,13-29 Mowbray St Port Douglas (The Hub) Ph: 4099 9444 Weekdays 9am to 4pm

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