Investigation launched into croc trap 'idiots'


LESS than a fortnight after a woman was taken by a crocodile in Port Douglas, a group of men have been photographed swimming into a baited crocodile trap in the tourist town.

“I was absolutely gobsmacked, this is incredibly stupid and dangerous behaviour,” Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu told ABC Radio.

“I’m wondering if these fellows are vying for the idiots of the year award or the idiots of the century award.”

Environment minister Dr Steven Miles was similarly dumbfounded by the images, which shows four people inside a trap in Dicksons Inlet near the Port Douglas marina.

“Srsly? The meat we put in these traps is bait. For crocodiles. Don’t swim in them! It’s stupid and illegal,” he said on Twitter.

If the men are identified they could be fined $15,000 each. The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have launched an investigation into the matter.

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