Port Douglas youngster already a winner before the race


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TEN-year-old Port Douglas State School grade five student Sam Thomson will have the satisfaction of knowing how much he has already achieved before attempting the 10km road run in Sunday’s Tropical Journeys Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival.

In what will be his furthest distance after completing 5km last year, Sam has an additional outlet in raising funds for the Run for the Reef Research Fund. He has already raised $1,600 after setting himself a target of $1,500.

The fund currently supports the Mega Mouth Project coordinated by Emmy-Award winning cinematographer and scientist Richard Fitzpatrick and Adam Barnett.

Sam will also be hoping to be the leading fundraiser and qualify for a number of attractive prizes: A day at the reef with Calypso Reef Cruises conducting research as a part of a research team; three nights’ accommodation at the Sheraton Grand Mirage; and a $200 voucher for dinner at 2Fish Restaurant.

But there is more to this active young man who thrives on competition. On Saturday, the day before his 10km challenge, he will be competing at a Swim Carnival in Mareeba and is entered in the 50m and 100m freestyle; 100m backstroke and 50m breaststroke.

His proud mum Skye is in awe of what he has achieved for someone of his age.

“He has worked hard to raise the funds and the major contributors have been family, friends and through social media. The biggest donation was $200, followed by $150. There were also a number of unknown donors which was extremely encouraging,” she said in an interview with Newsport.

Skye and her husband Thommo are equally proud of his determination to complete the 10km leg of the marathon festival, not to mention competing in a swimming event the day before.

“The 10km event will be a major milestone and we have told him that he must run within himself, pace himself and enjoy the occasion. He will have lots of support along the way from family and friends.

“Sam may also have a walk/run partner in marathon champion Steve Moneghetti who will be in the 10km field. They met in 2015 and if they do spend time on the road, it will be a huge boost for Sam,” said Skye.

What’s next for Sam? “A triathlon, perhaps,” quipped Skye.

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