The Tin Shed extension back on the agenda


THE Port Douglas District Combined Club will be back on the Council agenda at tomorrow’s open meeting at Council Chambers at 10am.

Council will review the pre-lodgement enquiry which proposes an extension of the first floor deck at the Port Douglas & District Combined Club facility. Council’s continued concern is that there is no on-site provision of any car parking, with the club relying on public car parking provided elsewhere in the town to meet its needs.

In the documents prepared for tomorrow’s meeting, Council believe the proposed extension to be an overdevelopment of the land. “Any formal application would need to fully justify any proposed car parking arrangements via an evidence-based traffic study prepared by an appropriately qualified traffic consultant for the additional floor space.”


Council will review a development application from Optus Mobile, for a telecommunications facility consisting of a 27.5 metre high slim-line monopole at (Lot 99 on SP150469) on Wharf Street, Port Douglas.

The location chosen for the proposed facility is within a small clearing within established vegetation, such that the proposed monopole will be unobtrusive. Approval has been recommended subject to conditions.

The proposed development is for a Telecommunications Facility tower consisting of:

• The construction of a 25m monopole, with an overall height of 27.5m;

• The attachment of three panel antennas (2.523m long) on a hexagonal headframe;

• The attachment of 15 remote radio units on the hexagonal headframe;

• The construction of an equipment shelter on concrete piers, consisting of the following dimensions –
3150mm x 2380mm – totalling 7.5m2

• Associated ancillary equipment, including underground conduits; and

• The proposed Optus lease area of 66m2 . The period of the proposed lease will not exceed ten years, thereby not triggering a need for a lot reconfiguration application.


Council will be offering DAB a further trustee lease – for a 10-year term – at their Mill Street Mossman location, for the purpose of an office, art gallery and associated art based activities, subject to a number of conditions.

DAB previously held a five-year lease with an option for a further five years over Council freehold land described as Lot 14 on RP707231, Mill Street Mossman. At the time that the five-year option expired in July 2016, Council placed the Lessee on a periodical month by month lease arrangement, pending the development of Council's standard terms document for freehold leasing.

Since registration of the new standard terms document in April 2017, Council officers have been liaising with DAB regarding the terms of the proposed lease. DAB have now accepted the proposed terms, with an agreed amendment with respect to responsibility for maintenance associated with the heritage listed part of the premises.

Tuesday 10 October, Council Chambers, Mossman (10am)

5.1 Material change of use for telecommunication facilities at lot 99 Wharf Street Port Douglas

5.2. Pre-lodgement enquiry for proposed extension to the Combined Club 7 Ashford Avenue Port Douglas

5.3. Further lease to Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc (DAB) lot 14 on rp707231, 11 Mill Street Mossman

5.4 Mossman retirement facility Johnston Road, Mossman - amended plans

5.5. Reef 2050 water quality improvement plan submission to EHP

5.6. Extend relevant period for ROL component for 40-52 Mitre Street Craiglie

5.7. Christmas close down period 2017

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