Council offers canvas for creative artists


DOUGLAS Shire Council is inviting creative minds and innovative artist to put forward proposals for parks and esplanades in the region.

The project will be funded through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a State and Local Government partnership to support local arts and culture in Regional Queensland.

"We have so many creative and innovative artists in Douglas and I encourage individuals or groups of artists to submit proposals that reflect our particular culture, history, industries and environment," Mayor Julia Leu said, who is also a RADF Committee member.

“If you have a concept for a sculpture, mural or another public art idea for a Council park or esplanade, which will engage a local professional or emerging artist, we would love to see your proposal."

Leu said the initiative aims to contribute to local vibrancy, and pride of place, and enables artists and the community to create and participate in the arts. It also recognises local culture, history, environment and industries.

The closing date for proposals is 4.30pm Monday 31 July 2017.

More information on the Regional Arts Development Fund can be found on Council's website.

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