Council rates to increase by 3.9 per cent


DOUGLAS Shire residents will have to absorb a 3.9 per cent increase for general rates and sewerage utility charges for the 2017-18 financial year, which is the same rate rise imposed for the past financial year. This equates to an almost eight per cent rates increase over the past two years.

In presenting the budget papers at a special Council meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Julia Leu said the 3.9 per cent average increase for general rates and sewerage utility charges will enable Council to invest in essential infrastructure, and remain on track to generate a budget surplus in the 2019/20 financial year.

“The average Residential 1 Category weekly rates increase has been restricted to an additional $2.03 per week which provides Council with the revenue required to fund its significant capital works investments and maintain and improve services for its communities,” she said.

Leu said the $2.03 per week increase for an average residential property in Category 1 covers the increase in general rates, cleansing and sewerage charges.

“In the 2016/17 financial year, all rateable properties in Douglas were revalued for rating purposes and Council was able to constrain general rates increases for 78.34 per cent of properties to 3.90 per cent or less,” said Leu.

The budget also revealed an average $1.68 weekly increase for residential water use.

“The $1.68 per week increase is calculated on a property which has access to Council’s reticulated water system.

“It includes water consumption of 300 kilolitres per annum, which is an average water consumption usage for residential properties within the Douglas Shire,” said Leu.

She said Council will implement a more equitable pricing schedule for water access and usage to improve service and reliability.

“Under the new pricing structure, Council will combine an access and volume charge in one notice to help cover the provision of new and future upgrades and the maintenance of assets for the production and delivery of water in the Douglas Shire.

“The new schedule rewards users who are more water-wise to further encourage our communities to remain vigilant in the water volumes they use as we have a limited supply in the Douglas Shire and we need to do more to reduce our consumption.

“Despite the changes to water charges, the Douglas Shire remains one of the cheapest providers of water in Queensland,” she said.

The increases will be reflected on the next notices issued by Council.

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