Police launch 'Operation Cold Snap'


GET off your phone!

That's the message from Queensland Police who will be targeting drivers distracted by mobile phones in a state-wide traffic operation coinciding with the winter school holidays.

Police launched ‘Operation Cold Snap’ as hundreds of thousands of students finished their last day of semester on Friday.

The three-week campaign will target driver distraction as well as speeding, seat belt use, drink and drug driving and fatigue, which together make up the fatal five.

Assistant Commissioner Mike Keating said police will be particularly focusing on driver inattention and the inappropriate use of mobile phones whilst driving.

“Any moment your attention is not on the road you are putting yourself, your passengers and other road users at risk,” Keating said.

“Mobile phones are a major cause of driver inattention. Our message is simple – don’t use your phone while driving unless you have a suitable hands free device.”

The winter school holiday period is a busy time on Queensland roads, especially with people travelling long distances to and from holiday destinations in relatively short time frames.

Keating said the school holidays should be a safe time for Queensland families on the road.

“If you must use your phone, pull over safety before you touch it. Nothing is more important than your life or the lives of other motorists.”

“The last thing we want is people and families dealing with the trauma of a serious or fatal crash, caused by one of the fatal five.”

Operation Cold Snap will run until Friday 14 July.


• 971 motorists were fined for using their mobile phone whilst driving during Operation Cold Snap 2016.

• $365 and 3 demerit points is the penalty for using your mobile phone whilst driving (including when

you’re stopped at traffic lights).

• Double demerit points apply for second or subsequent mobile phone offences committed within 1 year after an earlier offence.

• Queensland’s road toll is 110, seven less than at the same tim

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