Who will be this year’s most popular business?


VOTING is now open for the 2017 Douglas Business & Tourism Awards.

According to last year's voters, Salsa Bar and Grill, Whileway Bookshop and Cafe and Tony’s Tropical Tour’s were the most popular businesses in the region.

The prestigious awards give businesses the opportunity to come together and celebrate their successes and, most importantly, be rewarded for providing exceptional customer service.


“The aim of the Douglas Business & Tourism Awards has never wavered in its ambition to celebrate and showcase the very best in service and product delivery," Awards organiser Sam Cullen said.

“Established as a vehicle to incentivise business excellence in and around the region, the Awards program provides winners with an esteemed hook to hang their deserving business hat on."

Now into its eighth year, the much anticipated DBT Awards Gala Night will be held on Friday 24 November.

Cullen said he was expecting even more votes than the 36,000 recorded last year with the launch of an easier customer voting system. The new system automatically includes businesses that have previously been voted for in that category.

Organisers ask that if there are businesses missing, or are incorrectly spelled, to make this known to the Awards committee so the information can be updated.

There will be printed voting forms available from the Newsport Publishing & Tourism Port Douglas Travel offices in early August, but organisers ask businesses to promote the online voting as it will be easier for voters to select their favourite businesses with the new system in place.

‘Vote for me’ ads and buttons are available on the voting page for businesses to promote the voting to their clients/customers.

The new online voting form allows clients/customers to revisit their favourite Port Douglas experiences.

There is an open invitation to ALL local residents and visitors to contribute to this recognition of excellence by voting in these Awards to help businesses gain the respect they deserve. Just vote in each category that, based on your own personal experience, you consider worthy of praise.

It is through this program of awards that Douglas businesses will achieve acknowledgement for their year-long service quality and consistency. There is no greater recommendation than that received from satisfied customers.


This years organising committee would like to thank the following businesses for supporting the Douglas Business and Tourism Awards:

Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas, Staging Connections , Bolt Burchill Tranter Lawyers, Raine & Horne Port Douglas & Mossman, Astute Financial, The Reef Marina, Mossman Print, Sisterfield Boutique, Exemplar Coaches & Limousines, Newsport, Tourism Port Douglas Travel and Port Douglas Magazine. 

"Without these sponsors the Awards voting program and presentation evening just could not be celebrated annually" Cullen said.

Contact the Douglas Business and Tourism Awards team on (07) 4099 5122 or email irene@tourismportdouglas.com.au if you have any questions. 

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