Port Douglas welcomes first humpback sighting


THE first humpback whale has been sighted off the coast of Port Douglas as the great migration begins.

A group of around 60 guests on a Calypso Snorkel & Dive charter witnessed a young single male, around 8-10 metres in length, two nautical miles north of Low Islands yesterday afternoon.

Humpback and dwarf minke whales, which the same boat also spotted earlier in the day, migrate from the Antarctic waters along the east coast every winter to mate and give birth.

"Everyone was extremely excited and privileged after already seeing our first minke whale of the season earlier that same day at Agincourt Reef," Said Eleanor Jones, Sales and Marketing Manager at Tropical Journeys.

"The humpback was a single young male, maybe 8-10m in length and very light in colour.

"Hopefully the season has come early and we'll be keeping our eyes peeled for the next month or so."

Have you seen a whale yet? Let us know in the comments below or send your vision to editor@newsport.com.au.