Crocodile that grabbed teenager caught by rangers


THE crocodile that grabbed a teenager by the arm after he jumped into the Johnstone River in Innisfail has been captured.

The large four-metre crocodile was found in a floating trap this morning just metres from where Lee De Paauw was attacked last weekend. He had jumped into the water to impress a British tourist.

“Initial reports indicated the crocodile responsible was only around three metres, but after further review EHP wildlife officers confirmed this four metre male is the animal they were looking for," said Environment Minister Steven Miles said.

“The victim’s bite marks were thoroughly analysed and it became apparent the crocodile was larger than first thought.

“The crocodile was caught and secured by EHP officers, and then moved into a purpose built container. The animal is now being taken to an EHP holding facility where it will be offered to a crocodile farm or zoo.”

EHP also shot the crocodile responsible for the death of Cairns spearfisherman Warren Hughes on Thursday.

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