Search for crocodile begins after spearfisherman’s body found


UPDATE: A MARINE search has begun for a large crocodile after the  the body of a missing Cairns fisherman was found yesterday.

The man, 35-year-old Warren Hughes, had been spearfishing north of Innisfail when his boat was found empty on Saturday morning. His speargun was seen floating in the area between Palmer Point and High Island, a known crocodile habitat.

Dr Matt Brien, wildlife chief at the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, told a press conference that rangers found a four-metre crocodile near the man’s anchored boat.

“Yesterday evening it was reported that a large crocodile, larger than four metres, was located not far from where the boat was left," Brien said.

“The animal charged and behaved quite aggressively…it appeared to have something in its mouth.

“Based on the behaviour of this animal and the location, and also in recovery of the body, it appears that this animal may be responsible for the death of the man.” 

Air and vessel searches of the area yesterday revealed a ‘large population of crocodiles’. Brien said a specialist team of wildlife officers would be deployed at dusk to try and locate the reptile responsible. He also said ‘lethal force’ was an option available to the search team.

“Night time is a better time to try and find the animal, you can detect them through their red eye shine, but also crocodiles tend to be more active and confident at night.”

If officers failed to find the crocodile then floating traps would be set tomorrow.

It comes after 18-year old Lee De Paauw was taken to Cairns hospital following a crocodile attack on Saturday night, also in Innisfail.

The man had been encouraged by friends to enter the water at the main esplanade wharf. He suffered deep cuts to his arm and survived the ordeal by punching the animal in the head.

A Port Douglas man, Craig Brown, also had a run-in with a crocodile on Friday night when he ran to the aid of his dog on Four Mile Beach.

A 2.5 metre crocodile had his staffordshire bull-terrier in its jaws before Brown lifted it above his head by the tail, forcing it to let go of his pet.

There are also reports a pet dog was taken by a crocodile at Cow Bay in the Daintree on the weekend.

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