Celebrity gardener to put Douglas gardens to the test


CELEBRITY gardener Costa Georgiadis has been confirmed as a judge of the inaugural Douglas Garden Awards.

Mayor Julia Leu said she was delighted the popular host of ABC’s Gardening Australia would be able to make it to the Douglas Shire to judge the awards.

“I’ve met Costa before and really wanted him to be involved as he’s a delightful person as well as being a guru of all things gardening,” Leu said.

“We’re delighted he’ll be coming up to the Douglas Shire to judge our fabulous local gardens and it’s another great reason for local businesses to get involved.”

Council is inviting businesses looking to ‘grow’ their community profile to become a sponsor awards.

The event will be officially launched on July 1 featuring categories for residential gardens, acreage gardens, sustainable gardens, professional gardeners and school or childcare centres.

Gardeners will have from July 1 to August 25 to enter the awards, with judging to take place on 14-15 September.

Gardens will be judged on their design and layout, environmental initiatives, use of plants and creativity.

“The ‘Let It Grow’ Douglas Garden Awards recognise the passion that many people in our Shire share in creating beautiful tropical gardens and functional green spaces,” Leu said.

“The awards are also an opportunity for local businesses to get involved in the initiative and be a part of it regardless of their green thumb credentials and get exposure for their support of this fabulous community project.”

More details on the awards and sponsorship opportunities available for as little as $50 or equivalent in product, services, vouchers or cash, are available on Council’s website.

Will you be entering the garden awards? Let us know in the comments below!

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