Councillor will not support rezoning to remove Four Mile Beach crocodiles


DOUGLAS Shire Councillor David Carey will not support any proposal to have Four Mile Beach rezoned in order to remove crocodiles passing through the area.

A new crocodile management plan was released by the Queensland Government on Tuesday which has the famous tourist beach classified in the same monitoring and education zone (Zone E) as the entire Douglas Shire. 

It prompted Mayor Julia Leu to declare it was time to act on the crocodile threat to Four Mile Beach for the sake of the local tourism industry.

Having the area reclassified to a zone allowing all crocodiles be removed, regardless of behaviour, will be discussed at the next Council meeting. However, Carey said he would not be supporting it.

“I fully support the Zone E classification for Douglas and will not support any proposal to remove crocodiles regardless of size, which are not displaying dangerous behaviour,” he said today.

“I will be presenting arguments at the March 28 Council meeting in support of my position, which I consider represents the views of a large section of our community.”

The newly introduced Zone E is essentially the same as the former Zone 2, which was the cause of much angst to local organisations such as the Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club. PDSLSC vice-president Michael Bolt's argument is any crocodile seen cruising near the main swimming area is a danger and should be removed immediately.

The new plan states the management objective for Zone E ‘is to reduce the likelihood of a crocodile attack’ through ‘community education regarding Crocwise behaviours, and removing crocodiles displaying dangerous behaviours.’

Large animals, such as the four-metre crocodile seen by a tourist last week along Four Mile Beach, are generally not removed under this plan.

Leu said yesterday she was also keen to explore opportunities for local indigenous rangers to be involved in responding to crocodile management issues in the Douglas Shire.

Do you think any crocodile swimming along Four Mile Beach should be removed? Let us know in the comments below!

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