Dougies campsite to get a makeover


THE campsite at Dougies Backpackers Resort in Port Douglas will be given a makeover after approval was granted by Douglas Shire Council.

To alleviate issues with campers erecting large tents on the site and joining them together, passing on or leaving behind camping equipment and intruding on paths and gardens, Dougies is seeking to establish a range of single and twin pre-erected tents.

The 17 double and 20 single tents will be erected on a raised timber platform with lights and a power board built into the bedside unit.

There will be no increase in the number of campers allowed as a result of the approval.

Council supports liquor licence applications
MEANWHILE Council has supported two new liquor licence applications to the State Government for Port Douglas venues.

Otz Food has applied to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General to be allowed to sell alcohol at the Four Mile restaurant.

The owners of a new Macrossan St venue, Jimmy Rum’s Mixing Lounge, have also applied for a liquor license with the support of Council.

Approval granted for new telecommunications tower
Council has approved an application for a new telecommunications tower in Whyanbeel.

The new 46m Optus tower will be located on Assman Rd and is a monopole structure to lessen the visual impact.


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