Local art group asks what you'd like to see here?


WHAT else would you like to see on the big green wall on Port Douglas Road?

That’s the question being asked by Douglas Street Art who are in the process of finishing a Welcome to Paradise mural between the Mirage Country Club and QT Port Douglas Resort.

Legal graffiti on the free wall next to the mural has been replaced with white paint and reads 'What would you like to see here? Like us to comment! @Douglas Street ART'.

DS Art Treasurer, Senior Sargent Damian Meadows from the Port Douglas Police, said any ideas from the community were welcome.

"We encourage suggestions and welcome all ideas," he said.

"Art is a subjective thing, so the guys thought they'd buff the free wall and ask the community."

It's part of the the second stage of the Welcome to Paradise mural at the vacant 71-85 Port Douglas Road site.

Got any suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!

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