Billy has not represented the area that elected him: Entsch


INDEPENDENT and controversy-plagued MP Billy Gordon has forfeited his right and should do the one decent thing and not run in the next Queensland state election.

In sharp and no holds barred criticism of his tenure as the Member for Cook, Warren Entsch, the Federal MP for Leichhardt, said the time has come for Gordon to do what is the decent thing and sail off into the sunset.

“He has not represented the area that elected him; he is not a part of the community; he has made far too many mistakes and has therefore forfeited the right to stand for re-election.

“As for serving his people and the electorate, he has not been seen. This is not good enough and the Cook electorate deserves better,” said Entsch.

Gordon said at the weekend that family and health will determine whether he seeks a second term. Last year, he was admitted to Cairns Hospital with a heart problem.

“I can accept that we all make mistakes. In Gordon’s case there has been one too many. The Cook electorate needs someone to serve the area and that person is not Billy Gordon,” said Entsch.

Gordon’s latest gaffe involved a sugar dispute when he initially supported the LNP’s Bill when he was supposed to vote against it. “I believe I’ve made an error in my last vote. My intention was to vote no,” Gordon told the House.

But Gordon made amends in the third and final vote when he sided with the government to kill off the Bill. Had the legislation been passed, it would have forced foreign-owned Miller Wilmar and marketer Queensland Sugar Limited into arbitration if they were unable to resolve their dispute.

“This type of error in the House clearly shows the man is not on the job. It is unacceptable,” said Entsch.

Gordon lost further credibility in the Douglas Shire and Port Douglas, in particular, when he said he would not swim at Four Mile Beach and recommended tourists seeking a classic beach holiday should go to the Gold Coast.

“It’s these types of comments that have clouded his time as an MP. But from the time he entered the state parliament, he has been shrouded in controversy and there have been damning allegations," said Entsch.

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