WATCH: Traditional Kuku Yalanji ceremony signals a new era in aged care


A Kuku Yalanji smoking ceremony was conducted at the site of the new Mossman aged care facility yesterday to signal the start of construction.

Caleb Hall performed the welcome on behalf of his ancestors in recognition of the importance of the Kuku Yalanji cultural traditions and heritage.

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the facility had been 20 years in the making and the day marked ‘a momentous occasion’.

“The Mossman aged care facility is not longer a pipe dream,” she said.

“It has been a very long road, there were many times when people thought this was not going to happen. Council is thrilled to be a part of this much needed facility.”

The Salvation Army Aged Care Plus Centre will be a new 42-bed residential complex providing all aged care services and dedicated indigenous services.

Council has been instrumental behind its realisation, donating the land and also waving the infrastructure fees for the developer.

The development will generate more than 40 local jobs within the construction phase and 25 full time jobs once completed.

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