New e-book available showcasing Council projects for the past year
DOUGLAS Shire Council's annual ‘Go Douglas! Celebrating 2016’ interactive e-book is now available.
The interactive document features 165 projects, 202 photos and 20 videos showcasing some of the Douglas Shire’s major achievements over the past 12 months.
CEO Linda Cardew paid tribute the 160-plus staff, more than 200 Council contractors and our Douglas Shire communities for their contribution to another hugely successful year.
“(The e-book) is a fantastic snapshot of some of the highlights for our community over the course of the year,” Cardew said.
Check out the Go Douglas! Celebrating 2016 e-book
“The e-book details month-by-month some of the projects big and small that Council is involved with on behalf of our communities and really gives readers a great sense of the diversity of activities and projects Council is involved in.
“I urge anyone who has even a passing interest in seeing how their rates are spent or learning more about what their Council does to take a look for themselves.
Cardew said the e-book was unique to the Douglas Shire.
“To our knowledge no other Council in Australia produces such a comprehensive and interactive annual document for their communities to gain an insight into what we do, and considering we’re one of the smallest and newest Councils in the country that’s a fabulous achievement.
“The interactive e-book also helps Council showcase the Douglas Shire to other Councils and government agencies around Australia and puts human faces to all of the work that we do for our communities.”
Check out the Go Douglas! Celebrating 2016 e-book