Crafty kids join the Plastic Free Douglas campaign


CRAFTY kids got down and dirty to turn trash into treasure at the Plastic Free Douglas “Rubbish to Art” workshop.

Several parents and grandparents joined 35 children to learn how to create mural masterpieces out of litter cleared from local beaches by volunteer organisation and Plastic Free Douglas member Tangaroa Blue.

The art produced by the children is being displayed in the foyer of Council’s Mossman Administration Building throughout December as part of an exhibition to help educate our community about the environmental impacts of litter and marine debris.

“We’re delighted with how well our local community has responded to the Plastic Free Douglas campaign since it was launched in June,” committee member Louise Davies said.

“More than 50 local businesses have signed up for the Plastic Free Douglas Business Ambassador program, from market stalls to major tourism operators and retailers and removing thousands of single-use plastic bags from our local environment.”

To find out more about the Plastic Free Douglass Ambassador program, check out the Plastic Free Douglas Facebook page and website.