COUNCIL AGENDA: Quicksilver dive centre expected to get the go-ahead


QUICKSILVER'S proposed dive centre on the corner of Grant and Warner Streets is expected to get the go-ahead at Tuesday’s ordinary Council at Council Chambers in Mossman.

According to the agenda, the proposed development has been found to be generally compliant with the requirements of the Douglas Shire Planning Scheme.

“It will complement the existing developments on the other three corners of the Grant and Warner Street intersection and approval is recommended subject to a few conditions.”
The proposed Dive Centre will include:

  • A retail sales area and dive reception area at ground level. The former will be used for the sale of snorkelling and diving accessories, other water sports equipment, as well as the servicing of dive equipment and refilling of dive tanks; 
  • An office, workshop and amenities and general storage area for the use of the dive centre will also be located on the ground level; 
  • A first storey level that will be used for the practical aspects of all dive courses (i.e. the land based component of the course) and will include three training rooms, pool, equipment area, general storage, an office/workstation and amenities; 
  • Access to the dive centre for customers will be via both Grant and Warner Streets. It is expected that the retail component of the dive centre will operate between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, seven days per week and employ two full time staff. 

The Douglas Shire Council’s third Annual Report, which provides an assessment of operations of Council for the 2015-2016 financial year, will be tabled at the meeting.
In her message, Mayor Julia Leu said: “In 2014, I announced Council’s plan to achieve financial and community sustainability and a strategy to achieve a budget surplus by 2019/2010.

“The final operating result for the 2015/2016 financial year is over $2 million and 56 per cent better than budgeted. This is an excellent result for Council in its second full financial year since de-amalgamation. Our financial position has been supported by a large number of milestone events and achievements that have been well received by the community.

“The Annual Report details a vast array of these achievements, which include the biggest capital works program ever in Douglas, hundreds of projects throughout the Shire, and more than $20 million for disaster recovery works.

“In 2015/2016, Council was successful in securing a record level of external grants. Funding highlights are the $11.7 million for the new Port Douglas Water Reservoir, grants for the Mossman Aged Care Facility and Daintree Gateway. Council provided over $700,000 to community organisations, which included $451,500 to Tourism Port Douglas Daintree.”

The following table, in the Annual Report, shows expenses incurred by and the facilities provided to each Councillor during the financial year 2015/2016 under the local government’s Expenses Reimbursement Policy: 

The Agenda for Wednesday's meeting (10am):

I. Material change of use - business facilities 19 Warner Street Port Douglas Quicksilver Connections Limited

II. Annual report for Douglas Shire Council 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016

III. Tourism Port Douglas Daintree - Annual Report 2015/2016

IV. Schedule of fees and charges for Wonga beach Caravan Park.

V. Proposed application for permanent road closure in strata over part of Macrossan Street Port Douglas adjoining lot 10 on sp262348 - Central Hotel

Further information visit Council's website.