One woman’s labour of love coming to fruition


MORE than 20 years of passion, hard work and patience is finally seeing a community’s dream come true with design preparations well underway for a new Salvation Army Aged Care Plus Centre in Mossman, QLD.

What started as one women’s determination to provide aged care for her mother, turned into a community project led by President of the Mossman District Nursing Home Inc., Marjorie Norris. Marjorie has championed the cause to deliver appropriate aged care services to the residents of Mossman since 1996 and it was Aged Care Plus that finally answered her calls.

“Aged Care Plus is about offering person centered care that supports the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our residents. So when I spoke to Marjorie in 2011, her passion and commitment to care for her local community really struck a chord,” said Aged Care Plus CEO Sharon Callister. 


The Mossman District Nursing Home Inc. and Aged Care Plus are unified in their commitment to provide emotional, spiritual and physical care to the older residents of Mossman.

”We are honoured to have the opportunity to provide our high quality aged care to those in the Mossman community,” Sharon said.

Sharon and Marjorie have maintained a close relationship and both share in the joy of this success.

“This project has been such a big part of my life, emotionally and physically. To see this development come to fruition will be an emotional day” Marjorie said.

Secretary for the Mossman District Nursing Home Inc., Shirley Vico, has supported Marjorie through this journey, and has also been a key leader and influencer in the development of this project.

“Shirley held my hand through the rocky passage of 20 years,” Marjorie said.

Design works are underway for the 42-bed residential aged care centre which is scheduled to be complete in the second half of 2017. The purpose built residential aged care centre will provide all aged care services and includes dedicated places to meet the needs of local indigenous people.