Is there an over reliance on tourism in far north?


A recently-released Cairns survey, which elicited an unprecedented 6446 responses, has shown that Cairns residents are concerned about the region’s over-reliance on tourism.

And Acting Mayor Terry James said there is plenty to take away from the survey from the largest community consultation undertaken in Cairns.

“Looking at the characteristics that our residents most value, it’s clear that the protection of our natural attributes and laidback tropical lifestyle are important,” he said.

“But there is also a desire to create a more economically diverse and vibrant city that does not overly rely on its tourism status.

“Fifty per cent of respondents said they wanted more to be done to protect the local economy from shocks caused by downturn in the tourism industry.

“The survey results show there is acknowledgement that Cairns is currently a successful tourist destination, but there is a significant portion of our community that want to see other industries emerge and a little more focus put back on residents, rather than visitors,” said James.

James, meanwhile, said the excellent response means we can place faith in the results being a true representation of our community’s position on key topics.

In response to whether there has been a survey in the Douglas Shire; and if not, has it been considered, Mayor Julia Leu provided the following response.

“Council seeks regular feedback from our communities, requesting community feedback on 30 issues since being established in 2014; including the Draft Planning Scheme which is running currently; the Economic Development Survey; and a survey on cassowaries and dogs north of the Daintree River which we’re launching today to coincide with World Cassowary Day 2016 to be held at Cape Tribulation on Saturday 24 September.

“Consulting with our communities is the normal course of business for Council on a range of issues,” said Leu.

She added that she is delighted with the level of interest people have shown in the Proposed Planning Scheme.

“Since we released the plan on 8 August, the Proposed Planning Scheme has been the most visited page on our website with 3,413 views from 1,883 unique visitors, more than 15 per cent of the Douglas Shire’s population,” she said.

“We have also handed out, on request, more than 200 USB sticks containing the Proposed Planning Scheme, which has been extensively promoted by Council in print, online and radio. Letters have also been sent out to more than 9,000 residents and ratepayers.

“Our planners have been available every day during business hours to respond to any queries and have spoken with dozens of individuals, business groups and organisations to date,” said Leu.