OPINION: Is there a plan moving forward?

Published Monday 14 March 2016

OPINION: Let’s bury the rhetoric. It’s time to show true leadership as the countdown begins for the March 19 local election.

It’s time for incumbent mayor Julia Leu to stand up and tell the Shire what she intends to do over the next four years. If she is to be re-elected – and it certainly appears that way - she must tell us in no uncertain terms why she deserves four more years.

Forget the niceties of: we offer “Integrity”, “Honesty” and “Passion”. Instead, tell us what it is you will be striving for to take the Shire forward? What is your plan?

  • Will you ensure that the Reef Marina upgrade moves ahead?
  • Will you consider pouring more money into tourism?
  • Will you push for the proposed retirement village in Port Douglas to proceed and the Shire will benefit from the economic impact?
  • Will you engage the business community to seek out ways to generate additional revenue streams?

This is a short list. There’s more that can be added. But it’s realistic and the aforementioned is manageable, in fact achievable in the first few months of taking office.

Julia, we’ve twice heard this is not the time for change (at the Daintree and Port Douglas forums). But you need to expand on this bold retort. It’s easy to say “we need to build on what we’ve done over the past two years in office.” But there are many who aren’t satisfied enough this has been done.

We need to know what your plans are. We also have to hope that whoever joins you on council are individuals who have the nous to represent the Shire.

We simply can’t afford to have councillors who use the weakest phrase: “I don’t know” when asked what they would do to boost tourism; or what needs to be done to ensure the sustainability of the sugar mill.

We also need definitive responses when asked what the Shire’s deficit is. What occurred at the Port Douglas forum is worth reflecting on as it left many confused.

When challenged from the floor whether the Douglas Shire Council deficit is $3.6million, Tag Team Carey/Leu seemed unsure what to say. Carey finally got up and said it’s $2million.

If we go by the Douglas Shire Council’s Budgeted Statement of Comprehensive Income for the period ending 30 June 2016, there is a line item that reads as follows: Operating Surplus / (Deficit) … (3,621,370). The reason for the brackets indicates a deficit. It further shows deficits for 2016/17 and 2017/18.

Click on this link to the Opens external link in new windowDouglas Shire Council Budget 15-16 and see page 1.

It was a fair and justified question and the questioner may have been seeking clarity or confirmation. Instead, he and others were left confused. Strong leadership would ensure this type of rhetoric is avoided.

Equally important is a stronger and more persuasive message from mayoral candidate Roy Weavers. Basing his campaign on “it’s time for a fresh approach” which is supported by a policy platform that identifies his plans, he has yet to steal any significant ground from his opponent.

Although he has been busy on the hustings, his performance at the final forum in Mossman tomorrow night could be a defining moment for him.

This is when he’ll be entering the lion’s den, the town that houses the Douglas Shire Council, the area that could make or break him. There are a number of attributes he must bring to the table: clarity, confidence, assertiveness, meaningful messages and most importantly, he must look the part.

When tomorrow night’s attendees leave the forum, they must be left with no uncertainty in their minds as to who will be the better candidate to run the shire for the next four years.

And let’s not forget the councillors. They, too, get their final pitch to improve on mediocre showings in the Daintree and Port Douglas.