Dylan’s road to recovery appeal

Dylan’s road to recovery appeal

By Cassandra Pulver

Published Wednesday 19 August 2015

After a well known and liked local lad was in a serious motor vehicle accident last month, friend and fellow trail bike rider Brendon Wright, has appealed to the public for support.

Dylan Smedley 18 was left in a critical condition when his motor vehicle crashed into a tree along a notorious stretch of Mowbray River Road and was air lifted to Cairns Base Hospital. Dylan has since be transferred down to Royal Brisbane Hospital for further treatment.  Sergeant Damian Meadows said that it was an unfortunate and tragic accident.


<link is-mowbray-river-road-eligible-for-black.12819.0.html>Is Mowbray River Road eligible for Black Spot Program?

Knowing that this has caused financial hardship to Dylan’s family, on top of the already difficult emotional situation they are experiencing, friend Brendon has rallied around town approaching businesses, the community and Sheraton Mirage where Dylan is a chef, to offer some support.

The Sheraton Mirage have held a breakfast for associates as well as a raffle in support of Dylan and his family, commented Michelle Deaves HR Manager. Dylan completed a school based apprenticeship and in March this year was signed on fulltime by Sheraton as a 3rd year apprentice.

Brendon has also approached Clinton Kachel Manager of Prices Plus in Mossman who generously donated 15 collections tins to be placed in various businesses throughout Mossman and Port Douglas, starting with Prices Plus.  “We really wish him all the best and wanted to help with our support,” said Clinton.


As a past student of Mossman State High School, Dylan was well respected and Brendon has approached Principal Deborah Kachel who has also been very supportive.  They offered to place a collection tin at the school’s admin office.

New Manager of IGA Paul Scott has confirmed that they will have a collection tin at each resister as well as the service desk which will be “clearly visible” commented Paul.

Coles Manager Matt Pawelski has also offered to have a collection tin at their service desk.

Brendon is in contact with the family regularly and Dylan’s mother Moira is overwhelmed.  “I can’t thank Brendon enough for what he is doing for us. Thanks also extend to Newsport Daily, our Sheraton family, Sergeant Damian Meadows and all those whom attended the scene including the RFDA Rescue 510 Helicopter whom we refer to as the angels of the sky and of course the Port Douglas and Mossman community for all of the well wishes and messages of support.

“Dylan is doing extremely well and the doctors are even surprised as his skin graft has taken 100% with no complications as his left forearm and wrist were extensively damaged needing full reconstruction surgery.  Dylan’s brain and lung injuries have also healed extremely well causing no further complications and none of the doctors can believe the rate at which he is recovering overall, considering the extent of his injuries as we nearly lost him,” said an emotional Moira.

If you would like to support Dylan’s Road to Recovery, the donation tins will be available at the above locations by the end of this week. Alternatively, you can show your support by depositing into the appeal bank account.

Details are:
Dylans Recovery Fund
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 064804
A/C: 13926114