Daintree Dubuji Boardwalk gets locals stepping forward

By Thirzah White

Published Tuesday 21 July 2015

When the Department National Parks, Sport and Racing (NPRSR) planned to shorten the much loved Dubuji Boardwalk in the Daintree National Park, Cape Tribulation locals decided to take action.

Dubuji Boardwalk (place of spirits) is located near Myall Beach in the Daintree National Park. The 1.2km looped boardwalk travels through lowland rainforest, mangroves and swamps.

For the locals the Dubuji Boardwalk is a special place, not only for its beauty, but as a place to socialise and celebrate special occasions.

The local community in Cape Tribulation also recognise the importance of the Dubuji Boardwalk as a popular tourist attraction within the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The boardwalk allows visitors to experience the relationship between the rainforest, mangroves and the reef.

Lifetime Cape Tribulation resident Lawrence Mason, who’s family have lived in Cape Tribulation since 1932, advised that the plans to shorten the boardwalk by NPRSR were decided without public consultation. With the threat of losing the Dubuji Boardwalk, locals met and formed the Daintree Coast Community Council which was led by Lawrence.

The Daintree Coast Community Council founded with 32 local founding members, wanted to achieve a coordinated plan with the Douglas Shire Council to represent the area. “I want to bring all the parties to the table” Lawrence said, with the aim of bringing Douglas Shire Council, NPRSR and the local community together.

The purpose for the formation of The Daintree Coast Community Council is to enable community input into long term strategic planning. The local community will have the opportunity to consult with government bodies including Douglas Shire Council and the Wet Tropics Management Authority.

As a council they will also lobby local, state and federal government around infrastructure and projects that benefit the Daintree Coast. Ultimately, the formation of The Daintree Coast Community Council is to address the local issues, which enables tourists and guests to enjoy a wonderful Daintree experience.

Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing and Douglas Shire Council have been contacted for further comments.